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Summer ReadingI can't wait to hear all your thoughts on the summer reading books. Over the next couple of weeks, you will use your annotations to create a project called Book-in-a-Bag. Click on any text colored blue to access more information, like this checklist/rubric that will be used to assess the assignment and these step by step instructions.

Book in a Bag Instructions

Front Panel

First, decorate the front panel of a paper bag with a visual interpretation of your person.


This should NOT just be a set of pictures but should include SYMBOLIC images that represent the individual and/or themes of the story. Incorporate the title of the book as well.


In the bottom right hand corner, write your name and student number.

Back Panel

On the back panel, display the original Bio Poem you created to depict your individual. Click to see the following methods.

Side Panel

On one side panel, create a simple biography profile that includes:

  • Name of person(s) whose story is being told

  • Picture of the person (s)

  • Person’s claim to fame/infamy

    • Single word or short phrase

      • social rights pioneer 

      • environmentalist

      • literary great

      • scientific discovery

      • journalist

Side Panel

On one side panel, provide the MLA Citation. Use the information you recorded in class previously along with the Easybib tool under the media center tab of our school website.

Inside the Bag


To make your project “G.P. Relevant,” you will discuss the impact your figure of study has had on our LOCAL, NATIONAL, and INTERNATIONAL (aka GLOBAL) communities. Keep in mind that the LOCAL setting pertains to the subject’s local setting, not yours. Use the trifold, pyramid, or concept map foldable to record these analyses and provide textual evidence or references.

Showcase 1 Quotation

Showcase one quotation from your summer reading selection. Think about sentences you found especially creative or ones that completely sum up in words how you see the main person in the novel. Also consider text that seems to represent the “essence” of the person or topic.  Is there a particular sentence or two that demonstrates an important thing this figure/group is known for saying/believing or that people have said about him/her/them?  Place each quotation on the blank side of an index card, making sure to include the MLA citations. On the lined side of the card, provide a brief explanation (3-5 sentences) of how the text is significant. Please write in present tense.

Concrete Items

Inside the bag, place two concrete items that represent significant events, feelings, characters, or themes from the story.  These are NOT literal translations, but symbolic, physical objects (not drawings of objects) serving as representations. Use index cards to explain your items. On the blank sides, write the name of the item, and on the lined sides, provide a brief explanation (3-5 sentences) of the items’ significance. Please write in present tense.


On the due date, you will be asked to present one randomly selected items from your bag. Here are the items for which to be prepared:  

     ~ Foldabe Impact - Local

     ~ Foldable Impact - National

     ~ Foldable Impact - Global

     ~ Front Panel -Visual Interpretation                ~ Back Panel - Biography Poem      

     ~ Bag - One of two items 

  See Presentation Guidelines/Overview













These next two documents will assit you in preparing the speech (ACOVA) and in

presenting the speech (PVLEGS).


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